How to do DNS resolution for On-Prem hostnames within GKE

Rajathithan Rajasekar
2 min readAug 6, 2022
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Many of you know that , when you want to do DNS resolution for on-prem hostnames within GKE containers, you need to implement Cloud DNS Private Zones . There are various ways in which you can implement the Cloud DNS architecture over your Hybrid network connection. The Best practices to implement this is given below for your reference.

But in this post , we are not going to discuss about Cloud DNS instead we will see how kube-DNS can be used for doing the DNS name resolution for On-Prem hostnames using On-Prem DNS servers in a much more simpler way.

The service discovery within the GKE cluster is done using Kube-DNS, all the pods inside the cluster use this service to resolve all the DNS queries.



Rajathithan Rajasekar

I like to write code in Python . Interested in cloud , dataAnalysis, computerVision, ML and deepLearning.